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Psalm 112:4

"Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man."

When we think of darkness it usually means ominous, gloom, depression. But can darkness be a good thing or can darkness be of God? Genesis 1:18 says..."to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was GOOD. Isaiah 45:7 says " I form the light and create DARKNESS, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

When we go through seasons of hard times we wonder if God is punishing us. Did I do something wrong? Or is God just putting me through this? The answer is, of course not! Yes, if we are purposely sinning and something bad happens, we are sowing and reaping due to our sin. Let's say we're not the one sinning, but we're going through a dark time in our life. Believe it or not, many times it's because God is testing us. Realize it's "testing" not "tempting". God does not tempt us. During this darkness or testing God is more interested in developing our character and strengthening our faith in him. Even when there's unfaithfulness from the other spouse, the betrayed spouse will be put in that place of hurt and pain. I had to see what God is going to do with my life in this and I learned to trust God to bring restoration and healing in my marriage. I knew I couldn't let bitterness and un-forgiveness develop in my heart even though it wasn't I who transgressed, I didn't have the right to harbor those things in my heart, otherwise it would be detrimental to my relationship with the Lord.

That was the foremost important thing I had to do first before I could come before him in prayer and expect God to move on my behalf.

Even at a moment, when I was walking through another season of testing regarding my health. I was diagnosed with a very rare condition. I finished my chemo, but I still had severe issues with my skin, dealing with the pain, constant itchiness, lack of sleep, and so on. I cried before the Lord to take this away; I believed Jesus took the stripes for my healing at the cross and I waited to see the manifestation. It was a battle and not an easy one, but I knew in this darkness, God was developing something in me and restoring my health.

Think of your darkness as being in the dark room where the photographer is developing the pictures and the end results will be spectacular. God is the photographer, developing us into what he sees which is all the framework of our lives. May restoration and healing come soon to you!- Joy O.

RESTORE- scriptures and topics to encourage women who have made a decision to work things out with their husbands by trusting God.

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