Father, in the name of Jesus, I take Your Word and speak it out of my mouth and say that my wife is capable, intelligent, patient, and a virtuous woman. _______ far more precious than jewels. _________ value to me and our family is far above rubies and pearls.
My heart and our children trust in her confidently and relies on and believes in her safely, so that we may have no lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil.
Father, _____________ will comfort, encourage, and do us good as long as there is life within her. _____________ will gird herself with strength and spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task, and she will make her arms strong and firm. _________ taste and see that her gain from work with and for God is good. Her lamp goes not out; it burns on continually through the night or any trouble, privation, or sorrow and warns away fear, doubt, and distrust.
Open ______________ hand to the poor, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy- whether in spirit, mind, or body. I, as her husband is success because of her prayers for me. Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position in our household is strong. ________ is secure and at peace in knowing as for me and our family we are in readiness for the future. ______________ opens her mouth with skillful and godly wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness and love. She looks well to how things go in our household, and the bread of idleness, gossip, discontent, and self-pity she will not eat.
Our children rise and call her blessed and happy. I boast of and praise her saying that ________ excel in all that she set her hands to. She is a woman who reverently and worshipfully loves the Lord. Father, give _________ the fruit of her hands. Her works will praise her wherever she goes. Father, I confess that ________ is a submitted wife- simply because she wants to be. I thank You that you have allowed me to be her husband who accepts my role as head over this family, and the necessary power to do what Your Word says for me to do. My wife, ___________ is a woman who is loving, successful, and submitted… in the name of Jesus.
written by "Germain Copeland"